Fasting day 5 Oct 8 2008

Was a so-so fasting day.  Kind of low energy.  I think the previous night's meal has a lot to do with how you feel on fasting days.  I must pay attention to it more.   Other than that not difficult. Hunger is manageable.  I like not having to worry about food on fasting days.  Also like the flatter stomach and not having food in my belly all the time.  It feels good to let your digestive system "return to its ground state" before you bombard it with more food it has to process.  There really is something to this ADF business.

This weekend I will get a bathroom scale to start measure my weight loss progress.  I figure that I was about 195 pounds when I started and am probably about 190 now.  Much of that is due to water loss no doubt.  I expect to lose about 5-10 pounds a month in real fat loss.  I know that it doesn't happen overnight from reading the other ADFer's blogs but the weight does seem to come off in a slow be steady fashion.

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