Fasting day 7 Oct 12 2008

Missed a couple of posts but its not about the posts its about the fasts. Fasting day 6 and eating day 6 went fine. I think I ran out of things to do on the last fasting day and thought about food a lot. You must keep yourself busy on fasting day. I cannot emphasize this enough. If you stay busy the day just rolls by and you never even think about the fact that you have had no food that day.

The urge to just munch on stuff mindlessly is starting to subside on eating days. Also you fill up quickly and feel incredibly full after a complete meal. We went to en Indian restaurant last night and I ate heartily.

UPDATE: Still fasting today (8:28 pm). Today was a nearly effortless fast even though it is a Sunday. Keeping busy is the key. Cleaned up the apartment nicely today. Went outside to the park with the kid. Took a little nap. Even cooked dinner without temptation. My new mantra should be "Fast and get more done". Is it getting easier? Will know next fasting day.

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